My warning in 2012: The Islamic Republic of Iran uses some Indigenous groups against Canada
2021-Canada Day…
Is the Iran regime meddling again with the Indigenous affairs in Canada? Toronto protesters liken Israel to colonial Canada: “Settlers go back home”
Now I take you back to 2012:
Iran regime officials “working very hard” to bring First Nations leaders to Tehran:
There are only two ways of dealing with the “white man”: “Either you pick up a gun or you stand between him and his money,” said former First Nations Chief Terrance Nelson.
The following was sent to: Canadian Journalist, Michelle Zilio
Date: Sat, Oct 19, 2013
Subject: The Islamic Republic of Iran’s plans against Canada
The Islamic Republic of Iran plans against Canada by using some indigenous groups…
Re: N.B. fracking protests and the fight for aboriginal rights
Duty to consult at core of conflict over shale gas development
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Islamic Republic of Iran’s plans against Canada
Do you remember this? “Ex-chief calls reserves ‘concentration camps’ on Iran TV- Terry Nelson accuses Canada of mistreating aboriginal people
CBC News Posted: Oct 16, 2012 11:14 AM CT Last Updated: Oct 16, 2012
The following article was published last week on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s state media agency ‘Baztab Emrooz بازتاب امروز ‘ about Terry Nelson’s recent meeting with Iran regime officials in Tehran.
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I had sent the following letter to Canada’s Senators and Members of Parliament on Nov. 4th, 2012:
The Honourable Senators, Members of Parliament:
The regime in Iran is planning to allocate funds and programs for Canadian First Nations groups, open their doors to them by accepting them in universities, brainwashing and recruiting them against Canada. They also are planning to host more First Nation groups to Iran with the IRI budget.
In this article, the author has also criticized AhamadiNejad for his wrong decision in pouring funds to foreigners especially in this tough financial time Iran is facing.
Shadi Paveh has volunteered her time and translated the article to English for your convenience and careful examination.
Many thanks for your attention.
Concerned Canadian Citizens,
Shabnam Assadollahi and Shadi Paveh
Iran regime state media, Baztab Emrooz news agency, Tuesday Oct. 30 (Persian Calendar: 09 Aban, 1991)
Title: Native Canadians among the bread eaters in Iran!
Of course it is not the first time that our government is hosting such persons. After the revolution in Egypt there was a period of time in which many different groups of people were coming and going to Iran and staying at Iranian Hotels all funded by our government? Did the officials of the country think that by inviting these people and giving speeches about them and sending them back to their country with gifts, that Iran would benefit from Egypt or its revolution? Did not….
Jafar Mohannadi wrote: “ a few days ago the leader of First Nations in Canada was the guest of our government and he met with many government officials..”
It is then that after his trip the “Sisterhood Forever” will also be the guest of our country: “Sisterhood Forever is a NGO Women group which investigates and follows up the lack of rights of native women and their murders in Canada.
The leader of the Canadian First Nations group said that many Native Canadians will attend Iranian Universities and that Iran will host International Seminars about the aboriginal people’s rights in Canada.
The Egyptians were the guests of AhmadiNejad but no one ever thought that some day the native Canadians will also be guests of Iranians.
The Canadian government, against its own democratic laws, has committed historical injustice towards its Native People and now practically looks at them as their second class citizens. Many believe this and from this perspective they (Canada) are guilty but does it mean that because of this issue the Iranian people should be the attorney of these native people and to pay for them from their own pockets? The same way that the Canadian government does not intervene with Iranians.
At this point due to special circumstances that we are in, the budget for many government facilities such as medical, educational, construction and even workers salaries have been reduced/cut.
This very day, Dr. Ali Larijani, the head speaker in Parliament announced that “the 43 billion Toman budget expected for 2012 (Persian year 1391) is short by 15 billion Tomans. The country’s budget is not like previous years and we can not just allow budgets to others…” (Mehr News)
Thus, the fact that we are in such difficult times ourselves, in many different areas, such as the large number of workers who have not received their salaries for some time, giving money to others, in the latest instant to native Canadians is not what the Iranians ask from their government as a first priority.
The fact that round trip tickets have been bought for the Sisterhood Forever group and that their stay will be also funded by Iran’s government, and later the “Brotherhood Forever” , along with the “ Kind Mothers” and “ Fathers groups”…and then bring their children to Iran and give them bursaries to go to university and make available to them every kind of support, can it be done with all the talked about economical difficulties of the country?
It may be said that the living expenses for the Native Canadians in Iran does not cost much, but with the fall of the Rial before aiding such measures we must first see if the people of Iran are happy and satisfied with this news and if there are any more important priorities to spend money on? What kind of psychological effect does this kind of thing have on the people?
These actions “may be” effective politically but is it effective when our own wonderful people are not getting paid their salaries and cannot even make the smallest trip somewhere, these people who suddenly at the end of the month realize that the government has cut off their hours and then they find out on the evening news that the government of Iran has paid for the Leader of the native Canadians trip to Iran from Iran money…just to insult and swear at the Canadian government.
Link to Original article in Persian:
Part of Terry Neslon’s interview aired by CBC which was originally published on Iran regime’s Press TV and has been removed :
The Huffington Post Canada: